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Who’s The Biggest Proposer? Men or Women

Who’s The Biggest Proposer? Men or Women

Who’s The Biggest Proposer? Men or Women

This is a question that has been on my mind for some time now. Who is the biggest proposer, men or women? What gender leads the way when it comes to popping the big question.

Historically it has always been the man who would ask for the woman’s hand in marriage.

So Who’s The Biggest Proposer? Men or Women and where did this tradition come from? Would you believe that marriage dates back, all the way to the stone age! People undertook this road in their life’s in order to build alliances within the community.

Not Marrying For Love Yet?

Marriage would then, in later years become an economic and political transaction and it was the mission of each woman to find a suitable man to marry. This union could set the woman up and build a bright future for her, if she married well. Not that she had the right choose the man, women were traded like cattle back then.

In the late 18th century people witnessed a shift in the reason behind marriage. People moved from economic and transactions and started to marrying for love. Around this time there was a debate on whether women could choose their spouse, The answer back then was NO, they believed that women were too emotional and irrational to pick a good partner to marry.

February the 29th Leap Year

The exception to the ban occurs on February the 29th of each year. According to Irish legend, this is the day that Saint Bridget of Kildare broke a deal with Saint Patrick in which women were allowed to pop the question to men. This was only permitted on the 29th and no order day.

According to a Glamour Poll of 500 men

  • 33% of men believe that whoever has the guts, should propose
  • 63% taught the man should pop the question
  • 70% said it wouldn’t bother them if the woman did it
  • A full 30% said they wouldn’t like it


Many things have changed since the stone age but the tradition of men asking a woman for their hand in marriage has remained strong.  In a heterosexual relationship, a  woman asking for a man’s hand in marriage is a rare occasion and something I hope we can break and see more women speaking their mind.

Love is love and if you feel the time is right, what’s a gender issue to tell you no.

Happy Popping Ladies And Remember We Sell Wedding Gifts! 

Who's The Biggest Proposer? Men or Women
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Who's The Biggest Proposer? Men or Women
Who's The Biggest Proposer? Men or Women This is a question that has been on my mind for some time now. Who is the biggest proposer, men or women? What gender leads the way when it comes to popping the big question.
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